
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tweevio - Last YouTube videos shared on Twitter

Some of you may know that I was working on a project called Tweevio. Tweevio is a website that shows last YouTube videos that are shared on Twitter. My goal was both develop my web programming skills and provide a website which people can discover new videos.

I couldn't work on this project for a long time. But I had completed the Javascript and jQuery part but it was aesthetically poor. I was free lately and I said to myself "It's time to go back and finish what you started". After this motivational moment, I decided to learn HTML and CSS. I was going to need those to make the web page beautiful. Before, my relationship with HTML and CSS was literally like this. I couldn't do I wanted to do. For that reason, I was getting bored quickly and unfortunately this was resulted in giving up. But this time I was determined. And here is the result:

* Dropbox mirror. It may not work on every browser.

It's not a final version. It's very minimalist now and I want to add some colors to it. And there is a huge empty space on left-side. I don't know how to use the page efficiently for a website like this. Sometimes, page is not acting right because of the Japanese and Chinese tweets, I guess they occupy more space. Other than those, I think it is not a bad beginning for the web programming.

I had made a list of what I am supposed to do for this project. And it turns out that it was a very bad idea. Planning on the things that you don't know really good is not working as expected. It gives general idea but it can be misguiding at the same time. For example, I didn't know that every link in Twitter is converted to a short url which is start with and for that reason I needed another plug-in to lengthen that url.

While I was making this, these stackoverflow questions helped me a lot while I was working on this project.

PS: David Bowie rocks!
UPDATE (13.06.2013) Twitter upgraded its API to the new version. That's why currently Tweevio is not working.

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