Generally this time of the semesters, I cannot update my blog. There are always documents to write and projects to finish. In this semester, I am very busy with senior project. I also have to make a project for AI in Computer Games class. I did a little bit progress on that but need to do more. There are five weeks to the end of the semester and I have to finish all of the assignments/projects/documentations.
And this means that there are few weeks for my graduation. This is kind of stressful because in the meantime, I need to find a job. I even got rejected from one of the companies that I applied. I really thought that I would be hired but after the phone conversation I feel that I'll be rejected. But anyway this is not the first, won't be the last. That was my first phone interview and I was so excited. Actually, this was a nice experience.
As I said there are tons of things to do and not many weeks. I believe that I'll pull it off. By the way the idea of graduation is so EXCITED, WOOHOO!!!
Sorry, in this post there won't be any images.