What am I doing?
I'm busy with loving my Unix class. I always wanted to go little deep on the subjects of Unix. This is being happened in my Unix class and I'm happy with that. Moreover my professor gave me a GNU sticker. Woohoo!
I'm also spending time on my Java project which is a course project. I'm doing Visualization of A* Pathfinding Algorithm. We'll submit this project at the end of the semester. But I started early and did some improvements. Actually, this algorithm was another thing I always wanted to learn. I knew that this is also highly used in games. That's why I wanted to learn.
Finally, I will share a screenshot of that project which is an inevitable ending of my posts.
Sorry about the color choices. Green node is the starting node, red one is the destination node. Yellow ones are the walls that the path cannot pass through. Pink ones show the shortest path. User will be able to change the places of starting and destination nodes. Also they will be able to put walls wherever they want.